Get started weaving

You probably have many questions rolling around in your head and don’t necessarily have the time to bounce around from website to website trying to find answers.

My goal in creating this overview was to show what information will be presented for each topic.  I am hopeful you will find the information clear and concise in a way that answers questions beginners will have to start a new craft.

But first of all  – Breathe, there is a lot of information to digest.

Obtaining Knowledge

My Experience as a Beginner

Weaving Terms

Knitting Yarn vs. Weaving Yarn,
Warp vs. Weft,
Yarn Sizes


Where to spend and where to save $

Find your creativity

About Creativity

Choosing Colors

Finding Inpiration

All About Fibers

Protein fibers, Cellulose fibers, Synthetic and Semi-Synthetic fibers

How To’s

Laundering your creations

Setting up your weaving space

Weaving Costs

Where to spend and where to save $